Friday, April 21, 2006

booklist from Jeffrey Cramer, of the Thoreau Institute

Jeffrey Cramer, curator of collections at the Thoreau Institute at Walden Woods, sends this booklist:
As a Thoreauvian and editor of Thoreau's works I must put Walden at the top of my list. There is no book like it and its relevence to the world we live in today is uncanny. and the solutions it offers to our way of life are as correct as they were 150 years ago, if we only had the ability to listen.
No one is writing better prose today than Wendell Berry, so I must put his A Place On Earth on the list, although I have an urge to cheat and list all of the titles in his Port William cycle.
Melville's Moby Dick is still the ultimate novel for me, adventurous both in story and in style, and a book to which I must return every few years.
Whitman's Leaves of Grass because it is Whitman and is Leaves of Grass.
And finally Edward Abbey's Down the River because we need to be able to laugh about ourselves.


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